ERTRAC is the European Technology Platform bringing together all stakeholders of Road Transport Research. Its public-private multi-stakeholders nature involves industry, academia and research providers together with public authorities from the national and local levels. ERTRAC works in close cooperation with the European associations that represent the different components of road transport, while collaborating with other European Technology Platforms.
European pre-competitive collaborative research has a very high added-value by bringing together the many private and public stakeholders involved in transport: working together, developing partnerships, and implementing cross-sectoral collaboration are important assets to speed-up the innovation process in Europe.
In this context, the specific tasks of ERTRAC are to:
- Provide a strategic vision for road transport research and innovation in Europe.
- Define strategies and roadmaps to achieve this vision through the definition and update of a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and implementation research roadmaps.
- Stimulate effective public and private investment in road transport research and innovation.
- Contribute to improving coordination between the European, national, regional public and private R&D activities on road transport.
- Enhance the networking and clustering of Europe's research and innovation capacities.
- Promote European commitment to Research and technological development, ensuring that Europe remains an attractive region for researchers, and enhancing the global competitiveness of the transport industries.
- Support the implementation of Horizon 2020, the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
The new Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), published in April 2018, is a key document of ERTRAC with respect to preparing for 'Horizon Europe' (2021-2017), the forthcoming ninth European Research Framework Programme. The new ERTRAC SRA has the ambition to anchor the research work into the societal needs while looking more at the benefits of innovations for the end users. ERTRAC also wants to emphasize the importance of Road Transport and Mobility for the Society and the Economy, and hence consistently refers to the potential impact of the research topics.
Research Services and CapabilitiesProject Size Range : Strategic project backed by large scale funding €
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Seeking research & innovation centres of excellence in material data space
Research Services and CapabilitiesProject Size Range : Strategic project backed by large scale funding €
Seeking research & innovation centres of excellence in virtual product development
Research Services and CapabilitiesProject Size Range : Strategic project backed by large scale funding €
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Seeking research & innovation centres of excellence in advanced manufacturing technologies
Research Services and CapabilitiesProject Size Range : Strategic project backed by large scale funding €
- +3 months
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